It’s about time

[ezcol_3quarter]I have been looking for an reason to buy a new phone, and the Moto 360 watch seems like a perfect excuse. I have a the HTC One X, the first one. I found it very attractive because of its Quad Core and large screen. I ordered it back in April 2012.
All in all I have been satisfied with the phone, except for a minor issue with the screen, where the a yellow shade started to emerge.[/ezcol_3quarter] [ezcol_1quarter_end]666-htc-one-x-white-front_1340794327[/ezcol_1quarter_end]I discovered that it was a problem with the adhesive, and I got it fixed under warranty, so no big problem. I like the phone, I like the software, the performance etc. But my issue with HTC is that they pump out new phones, like their life depended on it. If that’s their business strategy, it sort of does, but perhaps the lessons from Nokia and their fall from grace, should have warned HTC of this approach. Anyhow this strategy also means that even newer phones like mine, is no longer being updated.[ezcol_1quarter]motorola-moto-360[/ezcol_1quarter] [ezcol_3quarter_end]The HTC One X was sold up until 14 months ago. That is a very short time, from purchase to being obsolete. So how does this relate to the Motorola watch, you may ask, well the watch requires the 4.3 version of the android core system, and since HTC have decided no longer to support updates the HTC One X, with new versions, the Moto 360 and my old phone is not compatible.[/ezcol_3quarter_end]

I understand that supporting numerous phones, displays is costly, and perhaps therefore HTC should take a lesson from the most successful singular mobile phone producer Apple. I have no great love for the Apple or its iStuff, but the strategy of making one phone, and doing it well, and then keeping it supported for an extended period seems preferable to the mayfly lifespan the current HTC phones have. For me at least I need to upgrade to a new phone, but I will despite my satisfaction with HTC seriously reconsider a new HTC.

jar filer

Åndsvage Nokia Ovi Suite, den spolerede fuldstændigt min jar fil association. Men heldigvis er der jo nettet, hvad fanden gjorde man inden. Jo jeg mindes timer med windows 3.x, 95 og 98, hvor man til sidst enten levede med fejlene eller måtte spørge venner og bekendte, folk i bussen, indtil man til sidst brød sammen og geninstallerede skidtet.
Men i dag…1,2,3 så har man fundet en fælle med samme problem og måske endda har beskrevet løsningen.

Så her er den også her, måske senere også på dansk:

The standard Windows7 file type association won’t work: it doesn’t allow you to set a parameter for the associated program. Even the “assoc” and “ftype” program calls helped.

The solution? Get rid completely of the .jar file association from the Windows registry, and re-associate it! Here are the full steps:

Removing .jar form windows7 registry
Reading a SevenForum post with an howto for Default File Type Associations – Restore for Windows7 I manage to get a registry script to clear the .jar filetype. Copy and paste this snippet into a new text file, and rename it to “somename.reg”, and run it:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

Re-Associate the .jar extension to Java
Then, from another website (from a post) I found how to fix and restore the old .jar association, from the command line run:

assoc .jar=JARFile
ftype JARFile=”C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\javaw.exe” -jar “%1”
If you don’t want to manually write the code and follow all the steps described above, download and extract the attached archive and run the .BAT one (with Administrative rights)!

That’s all folks!


All credits to

Firefox tjekker for kompatabilitet hver gang.

Jeg opgraderede Firefox til 9.0.1 og efterfølgende opfører den sig som at det er første gang jeg starter den efter opdateringen, hver gang jeg starter den. Den tjekker for kompatibilitet, og loader tabs der kun burde starte første gang.

Jeg mistænkte først en af mine plugins, og afinstallerede den som det første. Dette plugin har nemlig også den lidt irriterende vane at starte sit eget tab efter hver opdatering, og når der er hyppige opdateringer bliver det noget af en belastning. Men alas, det var ikke den skyldige.

Jeg fandt efterfølgende på at slette prefs.js, der kunne være låst eller af anden årsag ikke rigtig blev opdateret korrekt så browseren ikke opdagede at det ikke længere var første gang efter opdateringen. Firefox burde efterfølgende skabe en ny prefs.js. Det skete også fint, men stadig intet var løst med hensyn til problemet.

endelig faldt jeg over et indlæg på der beskrev samme problemstilling. Her fandt jeg frem til at user.js nok var skurken, og da jeg slettede den, forsvandt også mit problem.